At Dragon Heart Farm, we are very proud to be creating high quality, renewable products from local waste materials. In the process of developing GrowFAAST (Fish Amino Acid Spirulina Tonic), we worked with North Kohala farmers Anita and Anthony Palazzolo, owners of Aina Culture organic farm, to test GrowFAAST.
We were excited to see how these experienced experts would fare using our fermented fish potion. Here are some excerpts from the results they reported:
“We have been in business now for 5 years and we pride ourselves in using superior organic farming techniques and practices. This past grow season we have fertilized with GrowFAAST, and it has been by far the most exciting year in terms of crop yields, crop health and overall production.”
“During the vegetative months of turmeric which is July-October…we used 15 gallons weekly on 1.5 acres. We ran the liquid through our fertigator which distributes the fert evenly throughout overhead irrigation lines.”
“By November, the majority of turmeric was well over head averaging 6 ft. plus. This was the highest, healthiest turmeric we have grown.”
“With GrowFAAST our production drastically outperformed years prior as yields have gone up 45%.”
“Years prior we would amend with minerals such as azomite, calcium, compost, manure, mulch, fish emulsion, and potassium, but last harvest we supplemented everything except potassium with GrowFAAST; however, we tested a section with only GrowFAAST and without potassium and the end results were just about comparable.”
“It is my highest recommendation to any farmer or gardener to use GrowFAAST as it is crafted with all local Hawaiian ingredients that are in compliance with organics. The quality is second to none and the integrity of the recipe and the people that formulate it are of the highest standards. Believe me, the results and yields will speak for themselves!”
Special thanks to Anthony and Anita for testing GrowFAAST and providing us with a beautiful testimonial and photos to report their results. It is our goal to provide locally sourced, renewable plant foods to local farmers in order to support resilient local food systems in Hawaii.
Special thanks to this beautiful land and the magical, abundant life she holds and provides us with. We are in awe of her beauty and majesty, and we are honored to serve her as stewards.