Product Description
Meaning Behind the Name:
GrowFAAST is Fish Amino Acid Spirulina Tonic.
Fish Amino Acid, or FAA is derived from a Natural Farming recipe where fish is fermented with a sugar source for at least 3 months. Creating a soil conditioner, biostimulant, and bioavailable food source for plants!
GrowFAAST Liquid Plant Food is made from 4 key ingredients:
- Fish Scraps from Big Island
- Spirulina Powder from Kona
- Brown Sugar
- EM or Effective Microorganisms (These are naturally occurring organisms that increase the microbial diversity of the soil ecosystem.)
Why This Product is Special:
GrowFAAST is derived from local ingredients and it’s alive! The bio-availability is what makes this product unique. When applying GrowFAAST to your garden you are introducing millions of beneficial microbes that work to break down organic matter into nutrients your plants can readily uptake. The Fish Amino Acid alone is loaded with Nitrogen, Calcium, Iron and more, but when we add the Spirulina it really turns into a complete plant food. Spirulina contains healthy amounts of magnesium, potassium, manganese, and small amounts of almost every single nutrient plants need to thrive!
Happy Customers:
Aloha, my name is Anthony, my wife Anita and I run a small commercial certified organic turmeric farm on the Big Island of Hawaii in North Kohala called “Aina Culture”. Our primary focus is on growing world class nutrient dense Hawaiian turmeric. We also grow a wide array of taro and seasonal vegetables. We have been in business now for 5 years and we pride ourselves in using superior organic farming techniques and practices. This past growing season we have fertilized with GrowFAAST and it has been by far the most exciting year in terms of crop yields, crop health and overall production. We used GrowFAAST during the vegetative months of turmeric which is July-Oct. During these months we used 15 gallons weekly on 1.5 acres. We ran the liquid through our fertigator which distributes the fert evenly throughout our overhead irrigation lines. With GrowFAAST our production drastically outperformed years prior as yields have gone up 45%. Years prior we would amend with minerals such as azomite, calcium, compost, manure, mulch, fish emulsion, and potassium, but last harvest we supplemented everything except potassium with GrowFAAST, however we tested a section with only GrowFAAST and without Potassium and the end results were just about comparable. We have seen GrowFAAST provide a comprehensive and robust balance of minerals, N.P.K., and beneficial microbial life to our fields resulting in stellar yields…
GrowFAAST is my highest recommendation to any farmer looking to boost crops production and overall quality.”
-Anthony Palazzolo, Aina Culture
Please Note: GrowFAAST liquid plant food is available for pick up at Dragon Heart Farm. DHF will deliver orders of 10 gallons or more to anywhere on Big Island for a variable fee and free of charge to locations in North Kohala. Upon purchase please call 808-889-6808 or email to arrange your pickup or delivery. Watch out for GrowFAAST sold through our retail partners at Sunshine True Value Hardware and Kohala Grown in Hawi, Ohana Greenhouse and Farm & Garden in Kona, Garden Exchange in Hilo, and the Hawi and Maku’u Farmers’ Markets.
Brooke –
GrowFAAST is a phenomenal product. I have used it as a fertilizer and foliar application in my garden and landscaping. I had success in increasing my yields and immunity. Additionally, it has improved my soil exponentially. Love this product and passing it along to all my farming/gardening friends.